Nashua Cycling Mission Statement

At Nashua Cycling, our mission is to create a safer, healthier, and more sustainable urban environment by promoting cycling as a viable, enjoyable, and equitable mode of transportation. We strive to enhance the quality of life in our city through dedicated advocacy, community engagement, and collaborative partnerships, aiming to build a comprehensive network of bicycle infrastructure and foster a culture that embraces and supports cyclists of all ages and abilities. Together, we envision a future where bicycling is integral to our city’s identity, contributing to cleaner air, reduced traffic congestion, and a more connected community.

The Perils of Cycling in Nashua: Urgent Call for Improved Cycling Infrastructure

Nashua, a bustling city nestled along the picturesque Merrimack River, offers a vibrant lifestyle to its residents and visitors. From scenic trails to lively streets, Nashua is indeed a delightful place to explore. However, for those who prefer to cycle, the city’s inadequately developed cycling infrastructure poses serious dangers. In this article, we shed light on the hazards faced by cyclists in Nashua and advocate for the urgent need to improve cycling infrastructure.

  1. Limited Bike Lanes and Shared Roads

One of the primary issues plaguing Nashua’s cycling community is the scarcity of designated bike lanes and shared roads. Cyclists often find themselves navigating through crowded traffic on main roads, risking their safety in the process. Without dedicated cycling paths, riders must contend with speeding vehicles, leading to a higher likelihood of accidents and injuries.

  1. Lack of Connectivity

Another pressing concern is the lack of connectivity in Nashua’s cycling network. While there might be isolated bike lanes in certain parts of the city, they often fail to form a cohesive network that encourages and enables safe cycling. This fragmentation forces cyclists to take detours or mix with traffic on dangerous roads, undermining their confidence in choosing cycling as a mode of transportation.

  1. Absence of Safe Crossing Points

Navigating busy intersections can be a nightmare for cyclists in Nashua. The absence of safe crossing points, especially at major intersections and highway exits, puts riders in perilous situations. Cyclists are left to fend for themselves amidst impatient drivers, leading to a rise in accidents and injuries.

  1. Inadequate Signage and Visibility

Poor signage and inadequate visibility are other critical concerns affecting cyclist safety in Nashua. Insufficient signboards directing drivers to share the road with cyclists can lead to misunderstandings and unsafe encounters. Additionally, faded road markings and lack of reflectors diminish the visibility of cyclists, making them more susceptible to accidents, especially during low-light conditions.

  1. Encroachment on Bike Lanes

Even the existing bike lanes in Nashua are not immune to issues. Often, parked cars, delivery trucks, and debris encroach upon bike lanes, leaving cyclists with little space to maneuver. This forces cyclists to merge with motorized traffic, increasing the likelihood of collisions and injuries.

  1. Limited Awareness and Education

Promoting cycling safety through awareness campaigns and education is crucial for fostering a bike-friendly environment. Nashua currently lacks comprehensive initiatives to educate both cyclists and motorists on road sharing etiquette, further exacerbating the dangers faced by cyclists on the city’s streets.

The Call for Improved Cycling Infrastructure

It is evident that Nashua’s cycling infrastructure falls far short of what is necessary to ensure the safety of its cyclists. To address these pressing issues, the city must take proactive measures to improve cycling infrastructure:

  1. Expanded Bike Lane Network: Nashua should invest in an expanded network of protected bike lanes, physically separated from vehicular traffic, to provide cyclists with safer routes across the city.
  2. Enhanced Intersection Safety: Implementing cyclist-friendly intersections with clear markings, dedicated signal phases, and safe crossing points will significantly reduce accidents at these critical junctures.
  3. Awareness and Education: Launching targeted awareness campaigns for both cyclists and motorists will foster mutual respect on the roads and ensure safer interactions between the two groups.
  4. Regular Maintenance: Regularly maintaining bike lanes and ensuring they remain free from obstructions will safeguard cyclists and encourage more people to choose cycling as a viable mode of transportation.
  5. Community Involvement: Engaging with the cycling community to understand their needs and concerns will enable the city to make more informed decisions when planning and improving cycling infrastructure.


As the demand for cycling as a sustainable and healthy mode of transportation continues to grow, Nashua must prioritize the safety and convenience of its cycling community. By addressing the dangers posed by the inadequate cycling infrastructure, the city can encourage more residents and visitors to embrace cycling while ensuring their safety on the roads. With the implementation of comprehensive improvements and an unwavering commitment to cycling safety, Nashua can undoubtedly evolve into a cycling haven, fostering a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

The Imperative of Vulnerable Road User Laws: Shaping a Safer Future

In an era where the necessity for sustainable practices is universally recognized, we find a significant upswing in the number of people who are opting for bicycles, scooters, skateboards, and even simply walking, as their primary mode of transportation. This rise in the usage of non-motorized transport, coupled with the increasing cases of road accidents, accentuates the dire need for comprehensive policies like Vulnerable Road User (VRU) laws.

What Are VRU Laws?

Before diving into why a state should pass VRU laws, it’s essential to understand what these laws are. In essence, Vulnerable Road User laws establish a legal protection framework for those who are most exposed to injuries on the road. This category includes bicyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists, scooterists, wheelchair users, and even individuals such as police officers or construction workers who are often roadside.

These laws mandate a higher level of care by motorists towards these VRUs, with increased penalties for infractions resulting in injury or death to a VRU. The overarching aim of these laws is to highlight that every road user has a right to safety.

The Case for VRU Laws

There are several compelling reasons why a state should pass VRU laws.

Safety for All

First and foremost, the introduction of VRU laws is a potent means of enhancing safety for all road users. While motorized vehicles offer a certain level of protection in case of a collision, individuals using non-motorized means of transport are not afforded the same luxury. This disparity necessitates legal frameworks that protect these individuals.

Encouraging Sustainable Practices

In the fight against climate change, reducing motor vehicle usage is a key strategy. By establishing safer roads for VRUs, states can encourage more individuals to use environmentally friendly means of transportation. It is vital to note that safety concerns are a significant deterrent for many people who would otherwise choose to walk, cycle, or use electric scooters.

Economic Impact

Fewer motor vehicles mean less wear and tear on the state’s infrastructure. This, in turn, leads to decreased maintenance costs, saving taxpayer money. Additionally, the increase in physical activity that results from more people walking and cycling can potentially reduce healthcare costs by improving overall public health.

Social Equity

Transportation is a social equity issue. Many individuals either can’t afford motor vehicles or choose not to own them. By protecting VRUs, we ensure equal access to safe transportation for all members of society, irrespective of economic status.

The Way Forward

Passing a VRU law is not just about imposing stricter penalties on motorists. It’s about shifting our mindset and acknowledging that all road users have a right to safety. It is about fostering a culture of mutual respect and care on our roads.

In conclusion, the adoption of VRU laws is a significant step towards a more equitable, sustainable, and safe future. Therefore, it is imperative for every state to give serious consideration to passing such laws. The lives of our most vulnerable road users depend on it.

Embracing Tactical Urbanism: Revolutionizing Cycling in Our Cities

Cycling offers a multitude of benefits, both for individuals and communities, including reduced traffic congestion, improved air quality, enhanced physical and mental well-being, and a stronger sense of community. However, for many urban areas, creating safe and efficient cycling infrastructure can be a complex and time-consuming process. This is where tactical urbanism comes in, offering an innovative and cost-effective approach to transforming our cities into more bike-friendly environments. In this article, we will explore how tactical urbanism can be utilized to revolutionize cycling and promote a more sustainable, healthier, and connected urban landscape.

Understanding Tactical Urbanism

Tactical urbanism is an approach that involves making temporary, low-cost changes to the urban environment to address specific urban challenges. These interventions are usually community-driven and allow experimentation, feedback, and adaptation before implementing permanent solutions. When applied to cycling infrastructure, tactical urbanism offers a rapid and flexible way to improve cycling conditions without the bureaucratic constraints often accompanying traditional urban planning processes.

Cycling Lanes and Pathways

One of the most common tactical urbanism initiatives for enhancing cycling in a city is the implementation of temporary cycling lanes and pathways. These can be quickly set up using materials like removable barriers, traffic cones, or paint, providing dedicated spaces for cyclists to ride safely. By creating these temporary lanes, city planners and residents can observe the effects, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments before committing to permanent changes.

Bike Corrals and Parking

A city that encourages cycling must also offer convenient and secure bicycle parking options. Tactical urbanism enables the installation of temporary bike corrals and parking spaces in underutilized areas or reclaimed parking spots. These corrals not only accommodate more bikes but also serve as visual reminders of the growing cycling community, potentially encouraging more people to adopt cycling as a mode of transportation.

Pop-up Bike Repair Stations

Maintaining a bicycle is essential for a safe and enjoyable ride, but not everyone has access to tools or knowledge for repairs. Tactical urbanism can be employed to create pop-up bike repair stations, where local volunteers or mechanics offer basic repair services, guidance, and safety checks for cyclists passing by. This fosters a sense of community, empowers cyclists to take better care of their bikes, and encourages others to join in.

Intersection Improvements

Intersections are often the most challenging areas for cyclists, with increased risks of accidents. Tactical urbanism can help by temporarily transforming intersections into safer spaces for cyclists. This may include painting bike lanes in contrasting colors, adding bike-specific signals, or creating temporary pedestrian islands to enhance safety and visibility.

Community-Led Campaigns

Tactical urbanism can be a powerful tool for raising awareness and support for cycling. Community-led campaigns, such as “Bike to Work Week” or “Cycling Saturdays,” can encourage people to try cycling and experience the benefits firsthand. These campaigns can also engage local businesses to offer promotions or discounts to cyclists, further promoting a cycling-friendly culture within the city.


Tactical urbanism presents an exciting opportunity to accelerate the transformation of our cities into more cycling-friendly environments. By embracing this approach, cities can experiment with innovative solutions, gather community feedback, and create a safer, more connected urban landscape for cyclists. The key lies in collaboration between city officials, urban planners, residents, and local cycling advocates to ensure that temporary interventions lead to well-designed, permanent improvements. Let us embrace tactical urbanism as a powerful tool for revolutionizing cycling in our cities and fostering a healthier, more sustainable future for all.

Local bike shops importance.

Local bicycle shops play an important role in the cycling community and are valuable for several reasons:

  1. Expert advice and guidance: Local bike shops are typically staffed by experienced cyclists who can offer expert advice on the best bikes, gear, and accessories for different needs and preferences. They can help customers select the right size and style of bike, recommend maintenance and repair services, and offer tips for improving performance and comfort.
  2. Repairs and maintenance: Bicycles require regular maintenance and occasional repairs, and local bike shops provide a convenient and reliable resource for these services. They can fix a flat tire, adjust brakes and gears, and perform more complex repairs as needed. Having a local shop saves you time, hassle and money of trying to fix something yourself.
  3. Community support: Local bike shops are often hubs of community activity, hosting group rides, charity events, and other cycling-related activities. They help build a sense of community among cyclists and provide a central location for people to meet, socialize, and share their passion for cycling.
  4. Access to unique products: Local bike shops often carry unique products that may not be available at larger retailers or online. They may offer handmade or custom bikes, specialty parts and accessories, or local gear made by other small businesses.

Overall, having local bike shops is crucial for providing a variety of benefits and resources to the cycling community, including expert advice, repairs and maintenance, community support, and access to unique products.

Why People Need To Build Cycling Infrastructure In A City

Why People Need To Build Cycling Infrastructure In A City
Cycling is a low-impact and healthy exercise that people of all ages can enjoy. It’s a lot of fun, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly.
In a rapidly urban and health-conscious city, many people are switching to bicycles as their preferred mode of transportation. Cycling is consistently referred to as a lower risk of heart disease and cancer, and bike infrastructure promotes cities to make it more equitable, as many minority and low-income communities rely on bikes as their primary method of transportation.
Despite the numerous advantages of biking, many cities have not invested and spent as much tax money on cycling infrastructure that poses an immediate safety risk to those who ride bikes. The lack of suitable and safe routes also hinders more people from adopting the practice. So let’s know why city people need to spend tax monies to build better cycling infrastructure.

Save the City Money
Sidewalks and bicycle pathways are less expensive than constructing new roadway infrastructure. While they are still a significant investment, their narrower widths result in a lower budget per linear foot.
Such initiatives can improve the safety and comfort of people walking, bicycling, and driving, in addition to reducing project costs. Markings can be particularly placed on existing streets for a relatively low cost to encourage drivers to go at slower speeds by reducing their lanes. This effort can also make bikers more conscious. The addition of the buffer between modes also improves the comfort of cyclists on the road.
Make a Productive Community
You need to be physically active to stay fit and healthy. Regular exercise can help you avoid significant hypertension, diabetes, obesity, asthma, heart disease, and cancer. Riding bikes is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of health problems along with a sedentary lifestyle.
Study shows that people who go to work by bike have a 40% lower chance of dying than those who don’t, and bike commuters have an average of one day less sick day per year than non-bike commuters. People become more productive since they exercise regularly and have more energy to work with. They can take on any hard job that will serve as inspiration for inactive and idle.
Grow the Economic Development
Regardless of generation, many people seek places to live and work that serve their hunger for outdoor recreation and bike commuting opportunities. This provides chances for your city’s economic development. In addition, people are looking for ways to be healthy while having fun; thus, trails, outdoor recreation places, and nature-interaction opportunities are in high demand.
Investing in bicycles and trails that connect to recreation and retail spaces, bike lanes, bike repair stations, and walkable communities can assist you in creating a city that attracts people, resulting in new events, businesses, development, and a growing tax base.
Increase the Equity and Social Justice
Not everyone indeed has a driver’s license, and some may not have access to or the ability to drive a car, and many smaller communities do not have adequate public transportation to serve them. People’s livelihoods and well-being depend on having easy access to reliable transportation. It’s especially essential for underrepresented communities like those traveling in low-income neighborhoods, people of color, and the elderly. According to a survey, these people rely more heavily on public transit and non-motorized modes of transportation. As a result, they are disproportionately represented in the number of people killed while bicycling or walking.
As a result, transportation experts and policymakers must work together to create well-designed, securely executed, and convenient facilities for all users. Multimodal transportation options that provide low-cost and accessible options for commuting to work, obtaining an education, grocery shopping, accessing healthcare, and other basic but essential activities may be a tremendous equalizer and life-saving.
Reduce the Roadway Congestion
Improved bicycle infrastructure allows traffic to proceed more quickly. Vehicle traffic congestion and driver commute times have decreased in cities that have invested in pedestrian and bike lanes. Residents now have additional transit alternatives, making them more likely to choose to bike or walk. More bicycles and pedestrians on the road mean fewer vehicles and reduced traffic congestion.
Boost the Community Wellness
Bikers and runners establish a community; they ride through cities, mountains, and parks in formal and informal groups. Many individuals enjoy these activities, and many more are actively engaged in them to improve their well-being. Others participate because they are adamant about reducing their carbon footprint and bettering the environment.
Thousands of communities organize yearly bike races to raise money for charity causes. These kinds of events are great for uniting people around critical issues and building community support.
To sum up, developing bike infrastructure creates a better living for all of us. These inexpensive investments lead to safer, healthier communities and can help address some of the world’s major issues. As bicycling needs fewer resources in terms of manufacture and maintenance, it’s not so hard to build its infrastructure; rather, you need to use your lower investment and tax monies along with increasing public awareness; you can build a better bike Infrastructure. Then, you can succeed in creating a developed city, clean environment, protected roadway, and better life for your future generations.